Wednesday, March 10, 2010

intervention : the actors

The growth of the extraterritorial settlement has attracted the attention of several actors. The way in which the mystery of the spatial form can be unraveled is through some digging by our spatial detective. Let's get acquainted with the seductive capitalist, the overeager humanitarian, the corrupt government agents and of course the frustrated designer faced with complex spatial problems that he hopes to solve!

hardboiled detective

The spatial researcher has taken the task to uncover the truth behind the betrayal, injustice and anxiety that was part of the formation of the temporary informal city state for migrants in extraterritorial spaces.

femme fatale

The capitalist corporation has lured unsuspecting refugees into her factories with her charms and promises of money and happiness, but led them instead to dangerous and sometimes deadly situations.

jealous husband

The overeager humanitarian anticipates the loss of human dignity unless he takes control over the situation. He resents the current circumstances and has a strong desire to improve them to his ideals.

corrupt policeman

The aggressive authority uses falsified evidence to frame his victims in order to steal from them through accepting bribes or other illegal activities. Misuse of his position of power is a great injustice to society.

insurance agent

The exploitative speculator makes a profit from the insecurities of his customers. He will collect on this whenever he wishes, and when his customer claims his insurance he will confront him with legal mazes.

down-and-out writer

The frustrated creator seeks to portray his ideas and images with his tools, but he has lost his inspiration to produce work because the task at hand is beyond his experience and ability.

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Rotterdam, Netherlands
Working in the field of architecture and urban design.