Wednesday, March 10, 2010

intervention : the actors

The growth of the extraterritorial settlement has attracted the attention of several actors. The way in which the mystery of the spatial form can be unraveled is through some digging by our spatial detective. Let's get acquainted with the seductive capitalist, the overeager humanitarian, the corrupt government agents and of course the frustrated designer faced with complex spatial problems that he hopes to solve!

development : the family

The development of the village, then town, then city that develops around the factory, then factories, can be predicted by looking at the behavior of a single family that may be characteristic for the population.

trendential : the factory

The research until now has highlighted the trend towards temporary informal migration and the potential of extraterritorial spaces. When we combine characteristics of these trends and potentials, several trendentials arise that may present a possible future for the refugees living between the Thai and Burmese border.


About Me

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Rotterdam, Netherlands
Working in the field of architecture and urban design.